Agimi lives with his family in the village of Bubullimë, about 15 km off the city of Lushnja, at the centre of Myzeqe. With the division of agricultural land under Law no 7501, they acquired an agricultural land, which he runs and works together with his family. In the ‘90s, Agim worked as emigrant in Greece in the hope of building a better life, also developing experience in the agricultural sector in a more developed country. In 2009, Agim decided to return from emigration and invest in his village. At the outset, he invested the savings in building a new home "… like everyone else I dreamt of building a new house to improve the livelihood for my family and children," says Agim.
Having built the house, Agimi thought about the ways of generating income to support his family and in 2009 he requested financing from the FED invest offices in the village of Bubullimë. Agim invested them, on top of his income, in construction of 2 000 m2 greenhouse for growing vegetables. But he did not stop there.
With the proceeds from the sales season, he again turned to the FED invest expertise and decided to expand the greenhouse investment area. So financing after financing, together with the profits made from the household business, he went on to build 1 ha of greenhouses. Such a move helped him build his confidence and grow to become one of the most successful farmers in the area at present.
In April 2016, a powerful storm swept through the region of Lushnja, damaging the greenhouse plastic covering disrupting the business and throwing into question its future. But Agim happened to be part of the greenhouse insurance project and in turn was compensated for all the damage caused to the greenhouse.
I had no knowledge of insurance products whatsoever and my involvement in this project seemed like a bureaucratic red tape, but when bad weather wreaked havoc on the greenhouses, that "little card" came into play and served us to repair the damage. The truth is that through all the financing period, the FED invest staff have stood by us and assisted with any financial problem related to the investment, "- says Agim.
Today, Agim Mita is a success story, who runs 6 000 m2 of solar greenhouses and highly experienced in the application of technology for the cultivation of tomatoes and cucumbers. Local farmers often turn to him for information about high-yielding hybrids, high technology and quality pesticides that Agim uses.